Tuesday, October 04, 2005

School run

Walking through my school in the morning to get to the front entrance is a constant wake up. Before I even get to the back gates I can hear the students practicisng their various intruments. Walk past the first gym to see two or three practicing the violin. Past a set of classrooms filled variously with brass, woodwind, and piano. Then on past the big hall where the choir is belting out a modern number. A little further on is the school pond, a very Japanese affair with many levels, bonsai trees and Koi. There are normally one or two students adamantly facing the water reciting poetry or a part of a play. This morning one boy was sat on a rock with his head in his hands.

Then on an around the corner to the main entrance. If I time it right I can get there just as the music starts playing for the company across the road to come out for their communal excercising.


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