Not too much of this.....

I was so excited - the best in the world versus the best of Europe! How I hyped it up to the myriad Americans that seem to surround me. How I waxed poetic on the exciting spectacle that surely lay in front of us. How I danced with joy when I found a bar that we could go to for it. I am of course talking about Wales vs New Zealand.
Well, we all know what happened so I'm not going to go there. Anyway, I got incredibly drunk before during and afterwards and fell off my bike on the way home. I had "borrowed" a bike from the bike shed in Sunshine, one of those tiny things that look like you can fold up and pop in your pocket, and tried to a come stop sideways after zooming across a road only to totally buckle, go over the handlebars and end up sprawled on my back. Hurt my knee rather as well. Brad and Lucy (thems what were enticed by my propagandizing) laughed thier arses off.
The weekend wasn't a total bust though. Had some lovely Italian wines at a newly discovered wine bar, almost got blown into the path of a tram by some freakish winds, and had some more wine in a restaurant atop one of the tallest buildings in Toyama. I was also introduced to the joys of the morning mimosa - basically a bottle of champagne and orange juice with breakfast. Cleared up the hangover wonderfully (and was a major factor in the next morning's as well).
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