The other morning I woke up looking like this:

...and it occurred to me that maybe I should get a haircut. And maybe see a doctor. Actually, a haircut first occurred to me a few weeks ago when Robin began to call me Farrah. At first I was flattered; who wouldn’t want to be compared to that crime-fighting tawny-haired angel? Then it occurred to me then that Farrah is a ridiculous name. Also that she is a girl.
Still, I resisted. Many are the afternoons I have whiled away remembering fondly the days when I had long flowing locks; when ladies, young and mostly old, cooed and drooled over my soft mane. I was vital and carefree; a vigorous young sprite. I can have that always, I thought.
Unfortunately the only thing hair like this says is that you need help. And some personal hygiene tips too:
The last time I visited a barber in Japan I knew absolutely no Japanese, so I took with me a photo of myself of when I was young and handsome, and had hair. Unfortunately it was a long distance shot and the barber was one of those ‘clippers only’ types. I came out of the salon looking like this:

I have since tried to stay away from the barber, sculpting my increasingly lengthening locks in the mornings with my cap.
When I turned in the classroom yesterday and caught my reflection in a window. I had had a wild two inches of hair poking out at a right angle from the side my head and a single thick curl dangling down my forehead for the entire lesson, and indeed most of the day. I knew I could not go on. Straight after school I went to the barber and whipped out my phrasebook for “not too much off please.” I was more nervous getting a trim than I was performing in the charity show. Thankfully, I didn’t need the phrase which was situated handily at the end of the ‘At The Salon’ section of my book: “You fool! I should never have let you near me!”

Well done. Well done everybody on that one.

...and it occurred to me that maybe I should get a haircut. And maybe see a doctor. Actually, a haircut first occurred to me a few weeks ago when Robin began to call me Farrah. At first I was flattered; who wouldn’t want to be compared to that crime-fighting tawny-haired angel? Then it occurred to me then that Farrah is a ridiculous name. Also that she is a girl.
Still, I resisted. Many are the afternoons I have whiled away remembering fondly the days when I had long flowing locks; when ladies, young and mostly old, cooed and drooled over my soft mane. I was vital and carefree; a vigorous young sprite. I can have that always, I thought.
Unfortunately the only thing hair like this says is that you need help. And some personal hygiene tips too:

The last time I visited a barber in Japan I knew absolutely no Japanese, so I took with me a photo of myself of when I was young and handsome, and had hair. Unfortunately it was a long distance shot and the barber was one of those ‘clippers only’ types. I came out of the salon looking like this:

I have since tried to stay away from the barber, sculpting my increasingly lengthening locks in the mornings with my cap.
When I turned in the classroom yesterday and caught my reflection in a window. I had had a wild two inches of hair poking out at a right angle from the side my head and a single thick curl dangling down my forehead for the entire lesson, and indeed most of the day. I knew I could not go on. Straight after school I went to the barber and whipped out my phrasebook for “not too much off please.” I was more nervous getting a trim than I was performing in the charity show. Thankfully, I didn’t need the phrase which was situated handily at the end of the ‘At The Salon’ section of my book: “You fool! I should never have let you near me!”

Well done. Well done everybody on that one.
wow an entire blog about your hair. who would have thought that was possible?
You vain sonovabitch. You're dead to me.
...nice haircut, by the way.
with those photos I cant be vain. Masochistic maybe...
Geoff, I thought together we were going to grow our hair out really super long then tie it back in a warrior top knot, then shave the front all the way back? Now the whole thing is right out the window.
Lol. You're funny. I think the hair looks nice.
dude,... dont risk a japanese barber again, you looked like a moron last time! you can wait 4 weeks, or get the fiance to do it!
oh wait you already did.
looks good btw :)
its nice. really. i like it. honest.
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